Monday, May 30, 2011

Web Frameworks / Models just aren't the same

Most of my days are spent hacking on web applications, with a strong requirement for databased-backed solutions. I've been drinking the WebObjects cool aid for quite some time, as there hasn't been a robust ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) solution that matches the maturity and the it-just-works of WebObjects' EOF layer.

However, the proverbial writing has been on the wall when it comes to Apple's continuing care taking of the public version of this technology. A lot of technologies have arisen to make the continuing effort one needs to take using WebObjects questionable, and my mind simply can't quite get around the rule engine solution of Modern Direct2Web that helps modernize WebObjects to match. Its always a question of finding the best tool for the job, and part of the toolset is one self. Am I sharp or honed enough to meet the new challenges I face? I've been both re-investing myself in WebObjects daily, but also checking out other frameworks. In almost all cases, I find again and again that they still don't match the now antiquated WO in getting things done right.

Then there is Grails. First, its not Rails, which leaves a sour taste in my mouth. But it seems to take enough from both the Java/WO and Rails worlds, some of the best and some of the worst (Servlets, bleh!). I'm also stuck dealing with both hibernate's deficiencies and Grails band aids above that. Burt Beckwith has provided multiple articles on the brain-dead dealings with collections and especially many-to-many relationships, requiring fetching of all entities to guarantee uniqueness in add and delete operations (its more an issue with BelongsTo and hasMany, original example and here's indirect implementation details). Obviously, the object graph shows some immaturity. Grails 1.4 and the underlying updates though finally get me past my fears and concerns, and so a few projects are now being built on Grails since I just can't get the quick build out of applications above the model layer I need in Modern D2W, and I require the dynamism of groovy for certain specific requirements. Again, its more finding the tool that suits me best and not the limitations of the tools.

This brings us to the meat of my posting today. EOF and Wonder's templates have spoiled me in what model code (including the generation gap pattern) is provided for me and what I expect at the model layer. I'm be trying to come to terms with both the features and lack thereof of model classes in Grails apps. Rereading the great book Grails In Action, I came to an important realization on what is missing here. Section 5.2 gets into the best practice of using Grails Services to encapsulate business logic per se and follow DRY principles. But, if one considers at least the MVC frameworks and where model logic goes, there seems to be a lot of the multi-domain logic (relationships) which never end up in Grails domains and which one needs to best handle in Services. In the end, I've come to believe that a direct mapping of WebObjects EOF models is not to Grails domains, but to Grails services instead.

With all the time in the world, I think I'd want to spend time on a plugin or template enhancements to auto-generate more complete service definitions from "grails create-service", one which takes a domain and extends it for basic operations, but builds out basic relationship management methods in the service. This would also be an ideal place to be collections aware and turn into best practice some of Beckwith's ideas. If collections were always handled in the same manner in code, it would make the complicated implementation of the correct, performant way much more trivial.

Furthermore, akin to the generation gap pattern, domains would be less tinkered with other than defining what can and should go into the database directly. This is important for managing database migrations. Instead, any and all custom logic should persist in the service. Perhaps one day Domains will get all the correct relationship handling logic that EOF superclasses generally get, and the Service is then more akin to the custom-logic-only aspect that I've come to expect of EOF subclasses for my model objects. However, I feel my mind can work with this construct to productive quickly in Grails instead of fighting against the grain or dirtying my controllers with model specific mess.

For now though, I will endeavor to always use Services extensively, and make sure any generated scaffolding takes them into account more than Domains.
